Manjit Kaura

Tele-Health Clinical Psychologist, California and  South Carolina.

Dr. Manjit K. Kaura is an independent Clinical Psychologist in California & South Carolina, available online. 

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Dr. Kaura also sees Behavioral Health patients from far-off places via Tele-Psych. Her professional experience has included a variety of settings, covering administration, court evaluations PC1368 and 288, teaching, and Psychotherapy work with groups and families, and the treatment of patients suffering from mental retardation, alcoholism, and mental illness (the latter ranging from adjustment problems to severe Psychosis). Her PhD. and M.A. degrees were in clinical psychology and a B.A. in Child Psychology.
Dr. Manjit K. Kaura also completed my M.S. degree in Psychopharmacology in June 2010 from Alliant International University, California, US. She is providing the following services in the Mental Health Clinic:
Individual Psychotherapy
Crisis Intervention
Bariatric Evaluations for doctors as and when recommended
Learning Disability Evaluations such as Autism and Mental Retardation from ages 6 and up until 18 years.

A woman sitting at a desk in front of a computer.